His Instruction covers all aspects of what is needed to know to be able to both successfully make profesisonal quality artistic tattoos, as well as the technical side of the machinery, the work materials, Hygiene and blood born pathogen cross contamination prevention techniques.
For different technical approaches, different artists can be observed with commentary from our instructor to interpret the various styles and technical approaches used by differing artist. This will assist students in finding the technique which fits their style, for there are indeed various approaches to tattooing the skin possible, and one approach may suit one person, and not another. It is therefore necessary ti find which approach feels comfortable, and to do this, one must have close 'sit by and watch' observation of different artist as they work.
Work from Our Instructors
Photos of the Work made by our Qualified Professional Artists who will instruct you in the Art and Science of Tattooing.
Tattoos By Spencer Littlewood (Ajarn Spencer)